The SC Manufacturing Conference promotes excellence in South Carolina’s expanding technology and manufacturing competitiveness. SCMEP provides a wide variety of training for free to event attendees. Breakfast and lunches are enriched with new of advancing Industry 4.0, innovative women, technological innovation, and the manufacturing levels of growth within our state.
Between the training, learning meals, and informative vendors, its not hard to imagine that people are still in information overload a week later. If you missed this year’s conference, be on the look out to add it to your calendar for next year.
Advancements and expansion projects in aerospace, automotive, and bio-manufacturing industries are pouring revenue into South Carolina. This growth is not just driving a need for further road work infrastructure, but also making roadmapping solutions increasingly essential. Adapting to the advancement of these industries brings a variety of custom data driven issues. Minding the middle between massive spreadsheets and the ERP is one of the constantly evolving issues especially for small to mid size businesses. This conference is a spring board for collaborative connections and potential partnerships.
Believe & Innovate. Make Manufacturing Motions Matter.
Credo Software was privileged to have a booth at the 2021 South Carolina Manufacturing Conference. Our marketing strategy seemed to click with attendees. Credo Software provided dog clickers in a variety of colors. A simple engagement not for dog training(though we did share tips with puppy enthusiasts), but rather to promote manufacturing mental health through less mouse clicks:
- Less clicks to get to data.
- Less clicks to communicate.
- Less clicks through custom concierge development
- Less clicks through integrating solutions
- Less time being clicked off by manufacturing pain points.
Engaging with people face to face at this year’s conference was priceless! This year’s in person conference was a great opportunity for venders to meet with decision makers in manufacturing from all over the Southeast. Credo’s booth highlighted a digital display board cycling through visual information including quotations from several tier one clients and from of the charities that we have helped over COVID. Credo also displayed a few projects that provide an annual six figure return on investment like our paperless initiative providing communication between the plant floor and the corner office. For more in information on Credo’s other solutions:
While not every task is a simple three click or less process, a well roadmapped design saves time and gathers information with minimal effort. Fill out this short form to sign up for a Credo Core Consultation.
#ReduceClicks #Industryintegration #Roadmapping #SCtech #SCMFG #SCMEP